The oldest recorded talking bird was probably a parakeet living 2,500 years ago, described by the Greek historian Ctesias. Some of those can only repeat a few words while others have extensive vocabularies of over a thousand words. Among those, parrots are the most widespread in popular culture, although other birds like crows, mynas, or starlings can, too, mimic the human voice. There are many species of birds that can mimic human speech. Images can also be pre-resized using styling, as shown below (the last three images are hard-set to 28% for visual consistency). You can also use the alignment options from the image toolbar to achieve the desired effect. Use the corner handles to resize the image and adjust it to the text as needed. Once image resizing is enabled, this option does not require any additional configuration. In this case, you can resize an image by dragging square handles displayed in each of its corners. You can set an optional static configuration with resizeOptions and choose whether you want to use a dropdown or a set of standalone buttons. The plugin also gives you an ability to change the size of the image through the on-click image toolbar. The feature can be configured to use either percentage (default) or pixel values. The user can freely resize the image by dragging them.

The ImageResize plugin enables the four resize handles displayed over the selected image. The editor offers different ways to resize images either by using “resize handles” or by using dedicated UI components - either a dropdown or standalone buttons. It is implemented by the ImageResize plugin. The image resize feature lets you change the width of images in your content. Image optimization and responsive images.Using pixels instead of percentage width.Home / CKEditor 5 / Features Resizing images